2017 UFO Dates and Rule Updates
The UFO is happy to announce a couple of big event dates for 2017.
First, the UFO 'EC'-the European Cup Finals-will be taking place August 5-6 in Duisburg, Germany. If you missed the Finals this year, you get another chance to play at that awesome field.
And speaking of finals, the 2017 UFO World Cup Finals will take place October 20-22 (UPDATE-Oct. 13-15) in Colorado. More details on the exact location will come later, but plan on a Colorado trip for the finals!
Beginning in 2017, the top T&C division at all UFO Local events is now a World Cup Finals Qualifying division. The top 3 finishers in this division are qualified for the UFO T&C championship at the Finals.
This idea has been in place in European events for several years-the top 3 T&C teams at each European UFO local qualify for the European Cup Final. We are now taking this World Wide.
In addition, the top 3 T&C Teams at the European Cup Final and the North American Cup Final also qualify for the World Cup Final in T&C.
Disc Update: The UFO now allows the FrisbeEscape discs at all UFO events. This includes the Addict, Rocket and Tenacious models.
Rule changes effective Jan. 1, 2017:
Regarding the age of dogs: The UFO will allow dogs 12 months and older to compete in T&C Only events. Dogs need to be 18 months or older to compete in Freestyle or combined events.
How to determine age-we will determine age in the same way that the USDDN does-A dog must reach 18 months of age within the month in which the qualifying event is held. (example: if a
dogs birthday is 20th May, the dog can compete from 1st May.)
Regarding the weight of discs- All discs must now be 150 grams or less.
All discs in competition must be from the UFO approved list of discs here:
Both criteria apply. So the disc must be from our approved list AND it must be 150g or less.
Tie Breakers-In Freestyle-only divisions, the first level tie-breaker is now the highest single round of freestyle. The second level tie-breaker is now the combined catch ratio scores of each round of Freestyle.
See you and your dogs on earth!
- The UFO
The UFO is happy to announce a couple of big event dates for 2017.
First, the UFO 'EC'-the European Cup Finals-will be taking place August 5-6 in Duisburg, Germany. If you missed the Finals this year, you get another chance to play at that awesome field.
And speaking of finals, the 2017 UFO World Cup Finals will take place October 20-22 (UPDATE-Oct. 13-15) in Colorado. More details on the exact location will come later, but plan on a Colorado trip for the finals!
Beginning in 2017, the top T&C division at all UFO Local events is now a World Cup Finals Qualifying division. The top 3 finishers in this division are qualified for the UFO T&C championship at the Finals.
This idea has been in place in European events for several years-the top 3 T&C teams at each European UFO local qualify for the European Cup Final. We are now taking this World Wide.
In addition, the top 3 T&C Teams at the European Cup Final and the North American Cup Final also qualify for the World Cup Final in T&C.
Disc Update: The UFO now allows the FrisbeEscape discs at all UFO events. This includes the Addict, Rocket and Tenacious models.
Rule changes effective Jan. 1, 2017:
Regarding the age of dogs: The UFO will allow dogs 12 months and older to compete in T&C Only events. Dogs need to be 18 months or older to compete in Freestyle or combined events.
How to determine age-we will determine age in the same way that the USDDN does-A dog must reach 18 months of age within the month in which the qualifying event is held. (example: if a
dogs birthday is 20th May, the dog can compete from 1st May.)
Regarding the weight of discs- All discs must now be 150 grams or less.
All discs in competition must be from the UFO approved list of discs here:
Both criteria apply. So the disc must be from our approved list AND it must be 150g or less.
Tie Breakers-In Freestyle-only divisions, the first level tie-breaker is now the highest single round of freestyle. The second level tie-breaker is now the combined catch ratio scores of each round of Freestyle.
See you and your dogs on earth!
- The UFO