
Marina and Oreo are crowned the 2024 World Cup Champions!
Bremen, Germany(Monday, September 23rd, 2024) Beautiful Bremen Germany served as the host city for the 2024 World Cup Finals, and it was an amazing weekend. Teams from all over Europe and the USA made the trip to find out once again, who the top [Read Full Story...]

German Television coverage of the World Cup Finals in Bremen
Bremen, Germany(Sunday, September 22nd, 2024): The television station Buten Un Binnen was on site Saturday, September 21 to catch some of the action at the 2024 World Cup Finals in Bremen, Germanyhttps://www.butenunbinnen.de/videos/bremen-hundefrisbee-wm-weltmeisterschaft-100.html

Sora & Kirby are victorious at the World Cup Finals
Thornton, Colrado, USA(Tuesday, October 24th, 2023) The 2023 UFO World Cup Series came to a majestic end this weekend. Colorado played host to the most amazing dogs in the world. The UFO Finals were truly an international event, with 4 countries repres [Read Full Story...]

2023 UFO European Cup Championship!
Apeldoorn, Netherlands(Sunday, September 24th, 2023) The 2023 UFO European Cup Finals and Small Dog World Cup Championship are finished!!! We were very proud to host 9 different countries at the event this year. The New Frisbee Maniacs hosted a great co [Read Full Story...]

2022 World Cup Finals Super Event!
St. Gallen, Switzerland(Monday, September 26th, 2022) The 2022 UFO World Cup Finals are complete. a HUGE thank you to all of our competitors that traveled from near and far to be here this weekend. Nearly 200 rounds per day were run by the amazing organi [Read Full Story...]

Live Scores!
Click here to see live scores for the UFO World Cup Finals
Live Scores!
Click here to see live scores for the DTour Championship!
2025 World Cup Standings
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2025 European Cup Standings
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